• Knowledge is Power
- Never is this more apparent than in mediation. The key to a successful mediation is the ability of the spouses to negotiate on an equal footing. Lack of knowledge by one party or both often creates a roadblock during the mediation process.
• Preserves the Neutrality of the Mediator
- The CDFA® delivers the financial information in an unbiased manner, so the mediator is not perceived as taking sides. If one party thinks the mediator is siding with the other spouse, it can derail the process. The trust has been compromised.
• Issues are identified in the beginning of the process
- Verification of income, assets, marital home issues, cash flow issues plus many more are known at the initial stage of the divorce, allowing ample time to provide direction and avoid being too late at the end.
• Assist Mediator/Attorneys with Data Gathering
- CDFA ensures that the necessary documents are identified and ultimately requested, thereby saving time and money.
• Enables Client to make Informed Decisions
- CDFA can illustrate best case/worst case scenarios of various options, adding reality to the decision-making process. These options provide an independent view, rather than an emotional one from the client.
• Tax Consequences are reviewed and addressed
- Clients often overlook the effect taxes have on a division of assets in both the short- and long-term. Identifying any pitfalls in the beginning will save thousands down the road and ensure
• Assist in Structuring a Separation Agreement from a Financial Perspective
- CDFA can clearly show the financial impact of various settlement options and provide creative and alternative settlement options to address your unique situation.