Are You Shipwrecked on Divorce Island?

Many times the divorce process stalls and becomes a shipwreck.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  One of the most common reasons for the process to stall or become derailed is when one spouse has less knowledge of the finances than the other spouse.  This imbalance of power typically leads to one spouse […]

Divorce is Paperwork Intensive – How To Prepare for Your Divorce

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

If you are contemplating asking your spouse for a divorce or are already in the beginning stages of the process, it is very important that you prepare for what lies ahead.  Divorce is paperwork intensive and the one thing that drives up the cost of a divorce is the process of gathering all the necessary […]

My Divorce – How I Handled The Marital Home – Part 2

This is the second part of my previous blog post, Part 1. The suspense must be killing you…what did I do – buy, sell, rent or continue to live in the home? Our final Separation Agreement, known in Massachusetts as the Judgement Absolute, stated that we were to sell the marital home by a date […]

Options for the Marital Home – My Story

The best way to write an article about something, is to actually experience what you are writing about.  I firmly believe that one cannot possibly understand what it is like to go through a divorce, unless you have experienced it yourself.  This is true about all major life events that we experience throughout our lives. So, when […]

The Biggest Financial Mistake Women Make in Divorce

Home is where the heart is.  We all know that saying and most of us ‘take it to heart’.  Your home is the place that you love the most, it is the place filled with your family and your memories and where you feel loved and most comfortable.  The marital home – the place where […]